Introducing the Sustainable Brand Model Canvas
Inspired by the Business Model Canvas, created by Alexander Osterwalder of Strategyzer, we’ve created a complementary brand model to help professionals broaden their understanding of value creation. More specifically, the interrelationships (and implications) of what you say you do with what you do (or perhaps don't).
The Sustainable Brand Model Canvas is structured to improve self-awareness about the people and communities you serve, whether they directly or indirectly come into contact with your products or services. After all, not every stakeholder is a customer. Using this insight will help you better frame your company's higher purpose, identify an ideal brand positioning and help you activate your value proposition in the most effective and positive ways.
Aligned with our award-winning Brand Value Creation (BVC) methodology, the Sustainable Brand Model Canvas will help you bridge the reality-perception gap by considering both business and brand impact. Over the next few weeks, we'll add case examples of the canvas in practice. But if you need help with your own Sustainable Brand Model Canvas, check out Brand Sprint.
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